
Morgan Le Corre Juratic

Morgan Le Corre Juratic

Post-doctoral Researcher in Political Science

Aarhus University

Welcome to my page! I am a Post-doctoral researcher at Aarhus University in Denmark and was previously a PhD researcher in Political Science at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. My research interests include party competition, political behaviour, and attitudes towards democratic institutions.

In my dissertation, I studied the consequences of party polarization in European multiparty systems for citizens’ political behavior and citizens' relationship toward parties. My thesis assesses the effect of party polarization on electoral participation, and whether this electoral mobilization is concentrated among (affectively polarized) partisans or a broader range of voters.

As part of the DEMNORM project, my current research focuses on challenges to democracy and, in particular, on the role of elites in shifting democratic norms.

In general, I have a keen interest in research methods and I am specialized in mixed-methods designs. In my research, I use advanced quantitative methods such as multilevel modeling and experimental designs, and gained expertise in qualitative analysis using focus groups data.

You can download my CV here.

  • Party Competition
  • Political Behavior
  • Democracy
  • Mixed-Methods Design
  • PhD in Political Science, 2023

    European University Institute

  • Master of Research, 2019

    European University Institute

  • Master in European Studies - Research Specialization, 2018

    Sciences Po Grenoble


DEMNORM: The Role of Elites in Shifting Democratic Social Norms
Aarhus University
Sep 2022 – Present Denmark
Project DEMNORM coordinated by Prof. Daniel Bischof. This part of the project aims to determine whether elites shifted democratic social norms across established democracies in the past 10 years, using a computational text analysis approach.
The Downstream Effects of Radical Party Entry and Polarization for Satisfaction with Democracy
European University Institute, Aarhus University
Apr 2022 – Present

Project in collaboration with Álvaro Canalejo Molero (EUI, University of Lucerne). This project was funded by the EUI Early Researcher Grant (ESR) 2021 and the Aarhus University Small Grant obtained in 2023, leading to two studies:

  • The Effect of Radical Right Party Entry for Satisfaction with Democracy (see preprint “Blinded by Outgroup Hatred”) building on the entry of Éric Zemmour’s Party in the French System.
  • An ongoing study assessing the severity of losers' dissent in polarized societies, building on a comparative causal inference design and an experiment in the 2024 Austrian elections.
European University Institute
PhD Thesis - Party Polarization and Citizens’ Electoral (de)Mobilization in European Multiparty Systems : The Role of Fear and Indifference as Political Reactions
European University Institute
Sep 2018 – Feb 2023 Florence - Italy
The Politicization of the European Union : From Processes to Consequences
May 2020 – Jan 2023
Co-Editor of an edited volume on the consequences of EU Politicization with Anne-Marie Houde, Thomas Laloux, Heidi Mercenier, Damien Pennetreau and Alban Versailles

Teaching Experiences

Party Polarization: A Challenge to European Democracies?
Master Seminar Lecturer. 20 students.
Political Institutions
Teaching Instructor. Lecturers: Daniel Bischof, Clara Neupert-Wentz, Daniel Finke. BA students, two classes - 30 students.
Political Institutions
Teaching Instructor. Lecturers: Mathias Tromborg, Clara Neupert-Wentz, Daniel Finke. BA students, two classes - 30 students.
Focus Groups - From Qualitative Data Generation to Analysis
Teaching Assistant. University of Bamberg, Germany. Lecturer : Virginie Van Ingelgom